– for the right to live and thrive, rather than just survive-
Tänzer ohne Grenzen e.V. (Dancers without Boarders e.V.) is a locally, regionally, nationally and internationally active association of individuals, projects and institutions that are primarily involved in the field of dance, but also in the performing arts beyond that. The aim of the association is to use, promote and strengthen the socio-political potential of the performing arts: be it in the fields of education, politics and culture or for transcultural dialogue and social mobility.
We consider sustainable cultural education to be a key competence that needs to be imparted. It enables people of all ages to actively shape social change, participate in democratization processes and thus strengthen civil society.
In doing so, we refer to the human right of cultural self-determination, as it was included in the UNESCO Charter in 2007.
To this end, we want to act in a variety of ways by
- realizing dance and interdisciplinary projects
- carrying out projects on a local, regional, national and international level
- cooperating and networking with other associations, centers, educational facilities, institutions and schools
- create and implement education and training formats.
We believe in and are committed to the right to live and thrive instead of just to survive.
TOG e.V. exclusively and directly pursues non-profit interests and is independent of politics and religion.
Tanztheater-Global (Dancetheatre-Global)
Tänzer ohne Grenzen e.V. emerged from the energy, the network, the movement language of Tanztheater-Global .
Now as a strand of our work with Tänzer ohne Grenzen e.V. we still sometimes work with the video dance concept of Tanztheater-Global .
To date, more than 30 projects have been realised. These include smaller productions, for example school projects with children and young
people: „Into the strawberry milkshake“ was awarded the “Mixed Up” prize by the Federal Association of Cultural Youth Work in 2006.
We also realized many large-scale productions, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund and the German Foreign Office.
There have been and still are collaborations with more than 400 dancers from all over the world.
You will find a large selection of videos on the: YouTube-Kanal von tanztheater-global.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about the concept or individual projects.
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